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Cassia Gum Global Market

Cassia gum is grown in wet and tropical climates and considered a weed and hardly cultivated. It is manufactured from the endosperm of Senna obtusifolia or Cassia obtusifolia or Cassia Tora or Cassia Occidentalis. Its main use comes in the form of a gelling or thickening agent in pet foods. The composition of Cassia gum is at least 75% polysaccharide and a linear backbone chain of mannose with side galactose units The ratio of Mannose : Galactose is about 5: 1. Cassia gum can form gels with colloids like Carrageenan and Xanthan due to its retorting nature and increasingly used in the food and pet applications. This subtropical weed Cassia Gum is known by different names globally.:-

Catalan : Goma cassia
Croatian : Cassia guma
Danish : Cassiagummi
Dutch : Cassiapitmeel
Finnish : Cassiakumi
French : Gomme de cassia
German : Cassiakernmehl
Polish : Gumy cassia
Portuguese : Goma de cassia
Romanian : Guma de cassia
Slovenian : Guma cassia
Spanish : Goma cassia

Splitting the Cassia Tora Seeds

The Cassia Tora seed consists of an outer husk, an endosperm, an ovary, or a germ. Only the endosperm or split, which contains mainly polysaccharides, is used for the production of cassia gum. The husk and the germ are removed completely in the de-husking process. Temperature is applied in removing the husk and the germ by a heating process. The heating process removes the endosperm and since the endosperm happens to be bigger in size it is easily removable and cleanable. The Cassia Tora seeds are roasted and the husk and the germ get separated after getting brittle and hard. Mechanical stress pulverizes husk and germ and the powder is separated from the intact split by sieving. If any trace remains on the husk and the germ a series of cleaning procedures are applied to remove it completely.

The Methodology of Manufacturing Cassia Gum Powder

All the Cassia seeds are de-husked and de-germed by milling and screening of the endosperm. It is high molecular weight (approximately 200,000 – 300,000) polysaccharides composed of galactomannans; the mannose:galactose ratio is about 5:1. Semi-refined Cassia gum normally containing detectable amounts of anthraquinones. The raw Cassia Tora seed is then undergone through a series of mechanical steps or procedures to remove any unwanted farm particle or stone. Again a de-husking and splitting process is done. The thermal treatment results in splits which are then grounded to form particle sizes.

Method of Manufacturing Cassia Gum Powder

  • This cassia gum powder dissolves completely in water and different viscosity can be achieved in aqueous base solutions.
  • It is made up of at least 75 % polysaccharide consisting primarily of a linear chain of 1,4-β-D-mannopyranose units with 1,6 linked α-D-alactopyranose units.
  • The ratio of mannose to galactose is about 5:1.
  • It forms a gel in combination with carrageenan.
  • On its own, neither does Cassia gum nor xanthan gum have the ability to form a firm thermoplastic gel, but when combined they can form cohesive gels.
  • It is used as a gelling agent, thickening additive, and stabilizing additives.

Cassia Gum Powder Number

CAS No. (Galactomannan) : 11078-30-1
INS NO : 427
EINECS No. : 234-299-6
EEC No. of : E499

Gelling properties of refined cassia gum powder

Refined cassia gum in a high side of galactose side chains hampers the gelling effect with anionic polymers. Hence smaller amounts of hydrocolloid blend containing the gum are needed to achieve the desired effect as compared to carrageenan alone or combinations of carrageenan with other related galactomannans.

Cassia Gum is mainly used as a

  • Gelling Agent
  • Thickener
  • Emulsifier
  • Stabiliser
  • Bonding agent

Cassia Tora Powder international listings

Australia (AICS) : Listed
Korea : KE – 17406


A: Cassia Gum is primarily grown in wet and tropical climates. It is commonly found as a weed and is hardly cultivated as a specific crop. The favorable environmental conditions in these regions contribute to the growth of Cassia Gum-producing plants.

A: Cassia Gum finds its main application as a gelling or thickening agent, particularly in pet foods. The polysaccharide-rich composition of Cassia Gum enables its functionality in creating gels and providing viscosity. It is increasingly used in both food and pet industry applications due to its compatibility with other colloids like Carrageenan and Xanthan.

A. Cassia Gum is manufactured from the endosperm of various plant species, including Senna obtusifolia, Cassia obtusifolia, Cassia Tora, and Cassia Occidentalis. The composition of Cassia Gum primarily consists of at least 75% polysaccharide, with a linear backbone chain of mannose and side galactose units. The ratio of Mannose to Galactose is approximately 5:1, contributing to its unique properties.

A. To obtain Cassia Gum, the Cassia Tora seeds undergo a series of steps. The seeds are de-husked and de-germed through milling and screening processes. The endosperm, which contains the desired polysaccharides, is separated and used for the production of Cassia Gum. The husk and germ are removed completely in the de-husking process, followed by a heating process to remove the endosperm. Roasting the seeds makes the husk and germ brittle and hard, allowing for mechanical separation. The husk and germ are then pulverized, and the powder is sieved to separate it from the intact split. Additional cleaning procedures are applied to ensure any remaining traces are completely removed.

A. The manufacturing process of Cassia Gum Powder involves several steps. The Cassia seeds are first de-husked and de-germed through milling and screening. The endosperm, which contains galactomannans, is the focus of the manufacturing process. The raw Cassia Tora seeds undergo mechanical procedures to remove unwanted particles or stones. De-husking and splitting processes are then conducted, followed by thermal treatment. The resulting splits are ground to achieve the desired particle sizes, ultimately forming Cassia Gum Powder.