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Cassia Tora Split

Cassia obtusifolia is a Leguminosae family plant and with the seeds of this plant, cassia tora splits are derived. Obtusifolia name is generated from two Latin words, they are ‘obtuse’ which means blunt, and second word is ‘folium’ which means leaf. This particular plant is a once-a-year plant and is grown right after the monsoon season of India. The term Cassia split is the term derived when cassia seeds are divided into two parts. These cassia tora seeds are cylindrical seeds obtained from the pods (which are usually of 20 cm) of cassia obtusifolia plant. These cassia splits are recognized by many alternative names such as Senna splits, cassia torea splits, and cassia Senna splits. Before the seeds split into two, they are differentiated based on their size with the help of grading machines. This procedure is necessary as it helps to remove the undeveloped seeds and it also helps to reduce the seeds that are C.occidentalis to 0.05%. With the assistance of thermos-mechanical processing along with screening and milling of endosperm, the seeds are dehusked and de-germed. Endosperm and germ are to be separated from each other. With the help of polishing, heating, sieving, and grinding, the splits are dehusked.

Cassia Tora Split Properties

Cassia tora splits generally contain galactose and mannose units. Along with carrageenan and xanthan, these splits form a gel and acts like thickeners. These splits are emulsifiable in hot water. Cattle food products include this cassia splits, for example in dog, cow, cat foods, etc.

The gelling agent that is used in pet food is the cassia split powder which is derived from cassia tora splits. The cassia tora split powder consists of natural ancient ingredients which are responsible for its inherent gelling characteristics. This powder has its uses such as stabilizer, thickener and gelatin in the production of canned pet food for cats and dogs which is defined in the Annex of the Council Directive (70/524/EEC) and approved for the use in Europe by the Commission Directive (EEC No. E 499). When the carrageenan and splits are used in concurrence, it substitutes the usage of Carob Gum or Guar Gum Splits or Locust Bean Gum. These are required in the manufacture of air fresheners which are in gel form.

Cheese, frozen dairy products, mixes, and poultry products make the use of Cassia Splits as foam stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, texturizing agents, and moisture retention agents. All the dishes which contains meat such as appetizers, salads, sandwich ingredients prepared by commercial processing, and frozen multi-course meat meals etc. utilizes Cassia tora splits.

Cassia tora is frequently used in the manufacture of personal care products because it serves like surfactant, an active ingredient and a water soluble agent required in such products. In the preparation of cosmeceuticals, cosmetics, and toiletries, cationic cassia derivatives are often required.

In manufacturing health care products such as gels, topical as well as non-topical pharmaceuticals, pomades, creams, pastes, tablets, ointments, suppositories, gel capsules, eye products, foams that are anti-fungal, etc. the utilization of cassia tora powder is a must.

Cassia tora powder is also utilized in treating skin diseases such as leprosy, ringworm, itching and psoriasis, and even snake bites because it contains the characteristics of being anti-parasitic and also as an external germicide. It is also used sometimes in the preparation of balm for the disease called arthritis.

Cassia Tora Split APPLICATIONS

Food Products
Food Products
Food Products
Mining Industry
Cosmetic Products