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Guar Gum Properties

Guar Gum or Gomme de Guar in French is the gum like substance present in guar bean seed endosperm. This gum product extracted from guar been seeds possess a range of physical properties and applied as thickening and viscous agent and as emulsifier in many core industrial applications. Galactomanan present in guar bean contains good percentage of starch and galactose content which allows the guar extraction to blend easily in water when it is mixed in low temperature this in turn improves the viscosity of the blend. When compared to other ingredients used for improving the viscous property, guar gum powder contains greater percentage of thickening power; hence, it is preferred as the main ingredient to create viscosity.

Guar Extractions in Food Industry

The gum powder extracted from the endosperm of the guar seeds is the prime extracted product that is applied for processing variety of food products. Guar gum powder production is sorted out based on grading. The gum powder of guar bean seeds applied in food industry contains Ph value up to 7. Food processing factories like ice cream making, bakeries, dairy products, pastries, etc are made in large quantity and in same texture by adding guar gum powder as a main ingredient.


Enhancing Production with Guar Products

The seed coat present in the outer membrane of the guar seed is processed and applied as guar meal. This product contains good amount of protein and used as an ingredient in producing animal feed. Guar meal is also found to be a suitable alternative for groundnut husk cakes. In addition, guar gum granule is applied for various effects such as,

  • Gelling agent
  • Viscosity agent
  • Thickener
  • Binding ingredient
  • Clouding and stabilizing agent, etc

Cosmetics and Guar Gum Granule

Gomme de Guar is the name by which guar gum powder is known in Spanish is applied widely in cosmetic industry. However, the thickening property is the main aspect for which guar gum powder is applied in making facial talc and different kinds of granules that are used for cosmetic purpose. In addition, this granule is also used as an emulsifying agent in making of soaps and cleaning gels, creams and lotions as well.


Why investors should be specific about the quality of Guar Products?

Guar gum powder is processed and sold as per the application requirements. Every processing differs slightly and the processed granule is sorted out based on grading. Hence, for every industrial application guar powder is selected based on suitable grading. Investors should consider the grading and colour of guar powder and buy one which will stay suitable for the industrial purpose. The grading on the other hand is decided upon the Ph value of the powder grade in accordance with the industrial application. Goma Guar powder with considerable Ph value can be applied in cosmetic industry and those with moderate value are used for food industry.


While considering the productivity options, finding a manufacturer or supplier who can offer genuine guarkernmehl is more important for sustainable result. Hence, buying from certified supplier of manufacturer is the safe option for investing on guar product.

This article has been posted by Biren Patel working at Agro Gums. Agro Gums is a guar and cassia gum manufacturing company offering high quality guar gum powder, fast hydration guar gum powder, cassia powder, guar splits and guar meal to satisfy the production requirements of various industries across the world.