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GRAS stands for Generally Regarded As Safe products.

As we know, guar gum is a hydro colloid obtained from the seeds of the legume guar. This is utilized in various array of industries, ranging from mining and construction to cosmetics and food.

To prevent unwanted health side-effects and to avoid the over usage of a substance, the FDA imposes some rules and restrictions on the addition of different constituents to food.

Partially hydrolyzed guar gum, is produced by an enzymatic process on the guar gum. After this it is dried by spraying and sterilized by special techniques. After purification procedures, it is powderised and packed in to suitable packets, ready for dispatch.

The molecular size and viscosity are significantly less. It also offers more stability against, acid, pH, digestive enzymes, etc. It does not interact with and denature the protein solutions. At higher temperature, its viscosity decreases proportionally. Thus as temperatures increase, it becomes easier to apply. Because of this properties, it is a preferential fiber for dietary use. Its use has increased over the past years. It is used as Sunfiber.

Guar gum Powder

Recently the restrictions on addition on guar gum have been liberalized, and now the gradual addition of partially hydrolyzed guar gum to the food products is limited only by the cGMP content. Because of this, guar gum can be added to several food items, that are more appealing to the general public. By adding guar gum, their fiber content is thus increased. Thus healthier and appealing diet can be given to the people.

If a substance should be added to the food, it ought to be a water-soluble, colorless, odorless and tasteless product, so as to maintain the original flavour of the food.

There can be many advantages of the guar gum as a significant component of our diets.

The applications of the partially hydrolyzed guar gum in food industry are as follows:

  1. Used as a medicine. Even in the earlier times, guar gum was mixed with some products and heated to obtain a medicine for the treatment of digestive tract disorders. Till today, its use has been persistent. If the fiber content of the usually consumed food items, is increased, the constipation can be avoided. It also helps in diarrhoea. As this fiber is a pro-biotic, it increases the growth of good bacteria and also prevents the foreign bacterial colonies, thus benefits in infective diarrhoea. But this use has not been verified.
  2. Enhancement of nutritive value of food items. Fibers are nutritive but they are bulky and non-palatable. Their addition in day to day food items ultimately will increase the nutritional capacity of the food article.
  3. As this is a low-calorie product, which is bulky, its addition to the food items may benefit obese individuals by decreasing their calorie intake.
  4. In When added to the cereal, it helps to increase the flow-rate and thus its bowl life.
  • liquid food items.
  • Provides foam stability for the shakes.
  • Improves the suspension of the particulate in soups.
  • Improves the consistency of salad dressing.
  1. Prevents the formation of ice crystals in ice creams and other dairy products.
  2. It is used for the improvement in the texture of yogurt.
  3. It also works as a substitute of sugar in whipped cream and steamed bread. It is better than other sugar substitutes as it is a completely natural product and does not undergo any digestive process.
  4. It is used as a bulking agent in various dairy products including yogurt.
  5. It also prevents the starch dispersion from boiled rice, without the change in the final consistency and the texture of the product.
  6. Some of the studies have shown the PHGG to lower the glycaemic index. This supports its use in the diabetics.